Packages & Pricing!*62828ABA-2C8D-40BF-9082-10A3FF0B9A33*png?alt=media&token=34a6970a-409a-40fc-908a-3320742f7120

Below are our most popular services.

If your needs are outside of these categories, then please book a discovery call and we will customize a service plan for you.

My Web Pressence*B39D37F6-A762-4542-97FF-00513956CE17*png?alt=media&token=e9b67f7e-9da4-428f-8681-d26b0fe551d2

Many customers won’t do business with someone they cannot find online! 

My Web Presence Includes:
✅Your own domain name
✅Logo Creation
✅Business website with up to 5 pages
✅Professional design and copy to make your page stand out
✅Listing on Google with basic SEO to get you noticed

My Social Package*85AEF46A-6981-4612-9C2F-1E9A28043471*jpeg?alt=media&token=2dd79c73-4e25-4547-9943-22f46de4ae69

Mastering social media to build a brand takes consistency and knowledge of how each platform’s algorithms operate. Don’t worry, we have all that covered!

My Social Package Includes:
✅ Professional and creative copy
✅Strategically timed DAILY posts to boost engagement and traffic
✅ Organic strategies to boost your brand in groups
✅A network of people to engage with your pages and content

The Paid Ads Program*8D04AFB3-15DC-41E5-AE58-AEF5AA2A9677*png?alt=media&token=cbc72f7d-2ca7-42d2-a519-bb0d5b0b9458

Grow your brand with effective ads managed by professionals that bring the business to YOU! 
We manage everything from start to finish to bring your business more business than ever before!

The Paid Ads Program Includes:
✅Full creative for advertisements (scripting, filming, editing and production)
✅Ad experts will find the right audiences for your product or service, and put your business in front of them
✅Updated analytics on all ad performances
✅Real time adjustments to enhance ad performance
✅Real time lead info and notifications
✅Auto Reply to anyone responding to your ads (never miss a customer!)

Need A Custom Package?

Book a discovery call below for customized services and pricing!